I read a post on another personal injury lawyer’s blog tonight suggesting to his clients and his future potential clients, as the blog appears to be a marketing tool, that they close-down their Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts until their case concludes out of fear of Insurance adjusters using the information against them.
I disagree. People who are really hurt aren’t out dancing on the tables. If they are, they shouldn’t make a claim for an injury that prevents them from dancing and testify that they can’t dance. That is insurance fraud and perjury. When we make a claim for our client the insurance companies realize they are dealing with a firm that won’t take on clients faking an injury. Note to Potential Clients: If you are NOT hurt, we are NOT the law firm for you. We represent the seriously injured and to take on someones case who is faking or exaggerating their injuries would hurt our reputation and weaken our other client’s claims.
This all reminds me of the Brady Bunch Television show when I was growing up. Ms. Brady, Carol, was baking up out of the grocery store and had a fender bender with a person who claimed whiplash. We all know how that one ended up. Take a look at this video, please let me know your thoughts on the extent of this woman’s injury:
Anyway, this was my response to that other attorney’s post:
Good post !*%*+). We here at The Law Offices of Ledger & Associates take a different approach. We don’t want the tail to wag the dog. Our clients don’t need to hide from the insurance companies as they are victims and have nothing to hide. We suggest to our clients that they live their normal lives…..the rest takes care of itself. Your approach reminds me of the the stereotypical accident victim rolling in to court in a wheel chair with a neck brace on and then walking out and playing a football game after court adjourns. The math is simple: If not hurt = don’t make a personal injury claim. If you are hurt be yourself, in public and private, The Law Offices of Ledger & Associates will recover just compensation for you.