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This Week Kick’s Off CHP’s ‘Click It or Ticket’ Campaign

By May 25, 2011January 8th, 2018Attorney-Lawyer, General Legal Advice

It is common knowledge that seatbelts save lives, but California’s Highway Patrol plans to crack down on those drivers choosing to ignore the risk of injury associated with ignoring seatbelt laws. California Highway Patrol (CHP) has partnered with 140 state law enforcement organizations to increase penalties against drivers caught operating a vehicle without a seatbelt.

The ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign is set to last May 23 through June 5. Police are set to schedule extra shifts for patrolmen in an effort to hand out more citations for non-use of seatbelts. Law enforcement will take a zero-tolerance policy against neglecting to use a seatbelt and will be handing out tickets carrying stiff penalties as opposed to warnings.

Law enforcement has made it known that its seatbelt campaign will be in full force both day and night. In response staggering figures that nighttime drivers are 60% more likely to drive without a seatbelt, police are eager to relieve this statistic. Nighttime drivers not wearing a seatbelt are found to be more likely to not survive a traffic accident than those drivers not wearing a seatbelt during the day.

California’s Office of Traffic Safety supplied us with the following statement about the campaign: “Those who are still not buckling up need to think twice about the risk they take every time they get into a car….Those unbelted drivers are sharing the road with distracted and even impaired drivers who may cause crashes resulting in serious injury and death. Wearing a seat belt is simply the best defense to protect you in a car crash.”

CHP estimates that of the 639 traffic fatalities involving lack of seatbelt usage, it is likely that 320 of those fatalities could have been avoided if a seatbelt had been in place. In addition to the higher likelihood of injury and death, choosing not to wear a seatbelt can carry disastrous financial consequences as well. For a first-time offender, a ticket can cost up to $142. Penalties for failing to place seatbelts on a child begin at $445 for first-time offenders and $1,005 per offense for subsequent violations.

Here at Ledger Law and Associates, we cannot stress the importance of seatbelt usage enough. Not only can choosing to wear a seatbelt help save your life, but it can also protect your wallet and set a great example for your children. We see many personal injury victims involved in horrific car accidents and believe that by always buckling up, motorists can help ensure their safety and full recovery even after a serious car accident.

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, please contact us at (800)-300-0001.

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