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Have You Or A Loved One Suffered A Burn Injury?

Most people that suffer from burn injuries have no idea that they have been a victim of negligence and more importantly that they are not only entitled to qualified burn injury attorney representation, but that by consulting an experienced burn injury lawyer they may be due considerable financial compensation for suffering a burn injury.  First, lets consider what a “burn” injury is…a “burn” is any kind of flesh/skin injury, rash, discoloration, wound or inflammation that is a result of exposure to radiation, chemicals, toxins, electricity, light or friction and may also include deeper (sub-skin) bruises/injuries to blood vessels, muscle tissue, bone or any change in your vision, hearing or even brain function.  With the incredible amount of potentially toxic – items that can and will burn any part of your body – items at home, in the workplace, stores, restaurants etc., burn injuries are a real occurrence and if you have been a victim of any form of burn injury you should contact an experienced burn injury personal injury law firm immediately.

Burn injuries can and will happen anywhere:

HOME:  You, or your loved one, could be burned by any number of items at home – the most common are fires caused by faulty wiring, toxic reaction to corrosive products, chemical spills caused by a landscaper, painter or other contracted home vendor, defective electronics/machines/toys that ignite, explode or catch fire etc., etc.

WORK:  Most burn injuries caused in the work place are caused by accidents, human error, improperly trained employees or if there are highly toxic, combustible or irritants in the workplace.

TRAVEL:  Perhaps you suffered a burn when something exploded or caught fire in your car or you were exposed to chemicals, toxins or flames while going about your business.  Again, there are an incredible amount of ways to be burned with a wide array of items.

Lterally, burn injuries can happen anywhere – driving, flying, shopping, eating out, in a theatre, public restroom…anywhere!  If you have been a burn injury victim you need to know that whoever is responsible for it committed a negligent and in some cases criminal act and that they may be financially liable/responsible to compensate you for medical bills and in some cases punitive damages that could get into the millions of dollars.  Prosecuting burn injury legal lawsuits is a complicated legal undertaking and you must be represented by an experienced burn injury accident personal injury lawyer or attorney that can and will find out what or who the negligent party is and legally pursue the financial compensation you or your family deserve.

If you have suffered a personal injury of any type, seek the advice and counsel of an experienced burn injury attorney or lawyer as soon as possible to determine what legal options you may have.  For a free and detailed evaluation with an burn injury lawyer at The Ledger Law Firm, please call 1-800-300-0001 or visit the firm’s website for more information at

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