If you have been a driver for any length of time you have probably been in an auto accident. An auto accident can be any contact between vehicles that causes any property damage or personal injury. In many cases, for the victims of the accident, the accident itself is just the beginning of damage suffered. If you believe the television ads about an insurance agent showing up five minutes after the accident and taking care of keeping you life in order you have never had to file a claim. You can protect yourself though. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you ever find yourself in this situation.
-First of all, don’t wait around. Every state has a statute of limitations on filing law suits. Even if you don’t think you are injured, or your vehicle suffered enough damage too worry about, call an attorney and let professionals assess the situation. The statute of limitations starts on the day of the accident, not the day you first realize you have a medical problem. In most cases this limitation is about 2 years but in some states it is less.
-Most adjusters use software named Colossus which determines value based on their input. If you have no idea what the adjuster input you have no way to know if it is correct. Adjusters are paid to save the insurance company money and your needs will always come in second to the company’s bottom line.
-Don´t get drop drafted. One trick adjusters love to do is to send you a check, usually for about $500 and a release for you to sign. They only time an adjuster will drop draft a check is when they are trying to settle for less than it is worth. Simply ignore the check or send it back.
-Make sure you know what your case is worth. Your auto damage might be easy to calculate but your medical bills, lost wages, the time you had to spend having your car repaired or at the doctors, are all figured into the value of the action. Calculating this amount is very complicated and you should have a good attorney who has experience in auto accident cases.
If you have already suffered through an auto accident you most certainly do not want to continue the suffering by having to deal alone with an insurance company. Seek professional help immediately. The Law Offices of Ledger & Associates founded by Attorney Emery Brett Ledger in 1998 will evaluate your auto accident claim and advise weather you have a casae.