Americans love their pets. The Humane Society of America reports that there were over ninety millions cats and seventy three million dogs living in American homes this past year. Most of us would like to think each of these pets is taken care of like an additional member of the family, but we all know that simply is not the case. Can you remember the last time you were taking your dog for a walk and saw your neighbor’s dog tied up in the backyard or even worse roaming loose on the streets of your neighborhood?
Ninety nine percent of the time an encounter with one of these improperly supervised animals goes well, but there is always the rare case that it does not and you become the victim of a dog bite. Annually over four and a half million people are a victim of a dog bites, with approximately 800,000 or one in six bite victims, requiring medical attention. Sadly, the vast majority of these victims are children.
Dog bites are serious incidents and need to be handled with care, one bite from an angry or startled dog can lead to a number of injuries including: abrasions, lacerations, puncture wounds, infections such as rabies, tissue loss, fractured bones and scarring. In addition to these physical injuries the mental and emotional effects of a dog attack can be devastating especially for children who become victims of improperly supervised animals.
If you become the victim of a dog bite the most important thing you need to do is seek medical attention and then identify the animal that has attacked you and verify it has been properly vaccinated against rabies, if you are unable to get confirmation the animal is free of rabies you might need to begin treatment for rabies.
A professional personal injury attorney can help guide you through the entire process and make sure you receive all the compensation you are entitled to, make sure all of your medical needs are taken care of, and make sure you find the person who is financially responsible if you have been the victim of a dog bite. This compensation could include: payment of your medical bills, reimbursement for lost wages, payment for required cosmetic surgery to repair damage caused by the dog bite, and compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries.

If you or someone you know have been the victim of a dog bite you need to find a lawyer who can make sure you receive all the rights afforded you under California law. At Ledger Law you will find a dog bite attorney who is experienced in dealing with dog or animal attack. On each and every dog bite case we start by reviewing records at local animal shelters and health clinics to see if the animal in question has a history of violence. You should not be the one to pay if you are the victim of a dog bite or attack. Call Attorney Emery Brett Ledger @800-300-0001 and let an experienced personal injury lawyer from Ledger Law make sure you receive the compensation you deserve to help you get on with your life. Read More: Dog Bite Attorney