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Ledger Law Firm

Más común Motorcycle Accident Injuries Los abogados de accidentes
December 24, 2009

Más común Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Para los entusiastas de la motocicleta, no hay nada como golpear el camino abierto. Motocicletas ofrecen una sensación de libertad que los automóviles y los camiones simplemente no puede. Debido a que los motociclistas no son tan protegidos como los que conducen automóviles, sin embargo, los accidentes suelen dar lugar a lesiones más graves. De su experiencia como abogado de…
Disclaimer Law Office Management Category
December 12, 2009


This Blog/Web Site is made available by The Law Offices of Ledger & Associates for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, not to provide specific legal advice. By using this blog site you understand that there is no attorney client relationship between you and the Blog/Web Site publisher.…
Is Google’s Real Time Search A Defamation Disaster Waiting To Happen? Personal Injury
December 9, 2009

Is Google’s Real Time Search A Defamation Disaster Waiting To Happen?

Imagine being back in grade school and you had someone you didn't care for and you whispered into a friend's ear, "I hate Joey". The secret would eventually get out to your other 15 classmates and that was the extent of your ability to disseminate your thoughts. Even if you stood on your soap box and yelled that you hated…
Ambulance Chasers Give Real Lawyers A Bad Name Ethical Attorney Marketing
December 8, 2009

Ambulance Chasers Give Real Lawyers A Bad Name

I read a post on another personal injury lawyer's blog tonight suggesting to his clients and his future potential clients, as the blog appears to be a marketing tool, that they close-down their Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts until their case concludes out of fear of Insurance adjusters using the information against them. I disagree. People who are…
Those Who Press Their Luck May End Up Wishing They Hadn’t! Law Office Management Category
December 8, 2009

Those Who Press Their Luck May End Up Wishing They Hadn’t!

Gambling Accidents Kenny Rogers sang, "You've got to know when to hold them & know when to fold them." Often times litigants get so caught up in the thrill of litigation that they lose sight of the brass ring. If you have gotten more than you deserve, "you've got to know when to walk away and know when to run."…
Case Of The Week – Jaws of Life used to free man after he’s hit by stolen vehicle near Blue Line Case Of The Week
December 2, 2009

Case Of The Week – Jaws of Life used to free man after he’s hit by stolen vehicle near Blue Line

A new client of ours was seriously injured by a hit and run driver at approximately 2:30 am, November 8, 2009, in the city of Long Beach. This case made it to our "Case of the Week" section because of an interesting twist. The driver of the vehicle that hit our client was also a criminal and has yet to…
Trust = Do Our Accident Attorneys Really Meet Your Test? Personal Injury
November 30, 2009

Trust = Do Our Accident Attorneys Really Meet Your Test? cites: trust: noun reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing;confidence. There is nothing more important to our firm than the above. It is reflected in everything we do. Our client's trust is what drives our hard work. The fact that a person relies on us for strength during a difficult time is an…
Do Top Search Results in Google Mean Best Law Firm? Ethical Attorney MarketingLaw Firm Technology
November 20, 2009

Do Top Search Results in Google Mean Best Law Firm?

We all know that for certain information if you "Google" it, you'll most likely find the exact information you are looking for. Google has search algorithms that help people to find the most relevant issue to what they need. However this does bring up a very important issue, when you are looking for an attorney specializing in personal injury or…
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