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Auto Accident Lawyer

Are you injured in an auto accident? Now you can find Auto Accident Lawyer provided by Ledgerlaw. We have the best lawyer. Call us today.

Car Accident Attorney Answers the Question Whether You Can Recover for Damages in a Car Accident If You Did Not Have Insurance Auto Accident Lawyer
April 16, 2010

Car Accident Attorney Answers the Question Whether You Can Recover for Damages in a Car Accident If You Did Not Have Insurance

Almost all states requirement drivers to show proof of financial responsibility in order to legally drive on their roadways. California is no exception to that rule. California Insurance Code §11580.1b sets out the minimum liability insurance requirements for private passenger vehicles as follows: $15,000 for injury/death to one person; $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person; and $5,000 for…
Riverside Car Accident Attorney Explains the Role of Your Car Accident Attorney Auto Accident Lawyer
April 15, 2010

Riverside Car Accident Attorney Explains the Role of Your Car Accident Attorney

If you have been in a car accident recently, you have probably been given advice from everyone you know – and maybe even people you don’t know – about hiring an attorney. You may not have made up your mind yet whether you even need an attorney. A car accident can cause upheaval in every aspect of your life and…
San Bernardino Car Accident Attorney Talks about What to Do After a Car Accident Auto Accident Lawyer
April 14, 2010

San Bernardino Car Accident Attorney Talks about What to Do After a Car Accident

No one can be prepared to be involved in a car accident, but if the worst happens and you find yourself involved in a car accident, it helps to know what steps to take after the accident occurs to protect you and your rights. Each year, there are over six million car accidents in the United States. In 2008, in…
Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney Talks about Citizenship Status and Whether It Matters in a Car Accident Auto Accident Lawyer
April 14, 2010

Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney Talks about Citizenship Status and Whether It Matters in a Car Accident

In a city the size of Los Angeles, car accidents are bound to happen every day. The most recent statistics available from the California Highway Patrol tell us that for the year 2008 there were over 52,000 accidents in Los Angeles County with 667 fatalities as a result of vehicular accidents. Not surprising when you factor in recent estimates that…
Sacramento Car Accident Attorney Explains Why It Is So Important To Seek Medical Car after a Car Accident Auto Accident Lawyer
April 13, 2010

Sacramento Car Accident Attorney Explains Why It Is So Important To Seek Medical Car after a Car Accident

Statistics tell us that the chance of being involved in a car accident at some point during your lifetime is about one in four. Each year, over six million car accidents happen on the United States roadways. In Sacramento County alone, for the year 2008, there were 7,874 injuries related to vehicular accidents and eighty-four fatalities according to the California…
Kern County Car Accident Attorney Talks about Accident Causes Auto Accident Lawyer
April 13, 2010

Kern County Car Accident Attorney Talks about Accident Causes

Unfortunately, car accidents happen every minute of every day across the United States. In Kern County alone, for the year 2008 there were 3,460 injury accidents and one hundred and three deaths as a result of vehicular accidents, according the California Highway Patrol. While roadway conditions and defective parts can be the cause of an automobile accident, the vast majority…
San Diego Car Accident Attorney Explains Why All in One Cellular Phones Are Dangerous Auto Accident Lawyer
March 31, 2010

San Diego Car Accident Attorney Explains Why All in One Cellular Phones Are Dangerous

Imagine that you are driving down the freeway on your way to work on a typical Monday in San Diego. The traffic, as usual, is heavy and you know it will take you every bit of the 45 minutes that you a lot each day to get to your office. That also means you will be rushing when you get…
San Bernardino Car Accident Attorney Talks about What Your San Bernardino Car Accident Case Is Worth? Auto Accident Lawyer
March 30, 2010

San Bernardino Car Accident Attorney Talks about What Your San Bernardino Car Accident Case Is Worth?

Nobody asks to be involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, no matter careful you are, no matter how closely you obey the traffic laws and no matter how vigilant you are about safety measures, the chances are good that you will be involved in a car accident at some point in your lifetime. If you have recently been involved in…
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