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Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm

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What You Need to Know about Truck Accident Statistics   Trucking Accident Lawyer
September 19, 2014

What You Need to Know about Truck Accident Statistics  

If you’ve been in a truck accident, you may wonder just how common your type of accident really is. The best way to find out the answer is to look up truck accident statistics. These “stats” are typically collected by government entities, such as Departments of Transportation. In general, you will find that checking out statistics from official government sources…
Get the Inside Scoop on Car Accident Statistics Auto Accident Lawyer
September 9, 2014

Get the Inside Scoop on Car Accident Statistics

Car accident statistics detail the amount of fatalities and injuries from motor vehicle mishaps, within a given time frame, such as a month or a year. These sorts of statistics are available from a range of sources, such as government entities, including the Department of Transportation and law enforcement agencies, as well as from private sources, such as insurance companies…
How Lawyers Use Car Accident Data to Protect Their Clients Attorney-Lawyer
August 29, 2014

How Lawyers Use Car Accident Data to Protect Their Clients

If you’re involved in an auto accident, you’ll have a lot of different things to keep in mind. If you or anyone else riding in your vehicle is injured, there will be worries about hospitalization, doctor’s visits, physical therapy, and all the other steps you need to go through until you’re fully recovered. Injuries can cause you to miss work,…
Motorcycle Accidents Causes and Statistics Motorcycle Accident LawyerPersonal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm
August 21, 2014

Motorcycle Accidents Causes and Statistics

Sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the 'Motorcycle Crash Causes and Outcomes: Pilot Study” is a detailed reporting on the causes and statistics regarding motorcycle crashes in the United States. The majority of accidents continue to involve automobiles, however the percentage of motorcycles involved has continued to rise since the late 90's. Along with the rising in involvement,…
Auto Accidents – Protecting Yourself From The Dirty Tricks Of Insurance Companies Attorney-Lawyer
August 12, 2014

Auto Accidents – Protecting Yourself From The Dirty Tricks Of Insurance Companies

When you meet with an accident, number of people and institutions automatically get involved in this event. Starting with yourself, the opposite party that was involved in the accident, Police, witnesses, your insurance company, the healthcare facility, law firm that assists you and so on. Each of these players have their own role to play in the events that unfold…
Auto Accident – Five Important Things That You Should Do Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm
August 6, 2014

Auto Accident – Five Important Things That You Should Do

No one looks forward to auto accidents; such events hit us in the least expected moments of our life. Our unpreparedness is what makes things very challenging to handle. Even though no one wants to think about such unfortunate things happening to us or to any of our family members or friends, it is good to know how to go…
Minimizing Monetary Risks While Hiring Personal Injury Law Firm In California Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm
July 31, 2014

Minimizing Monetary Risks While Hiring Personal Injury Law Firm In California

When you happen to meet with a car accident or with a truck accident, you will be surprised to see that numerous car accident lawyers in California appear before you from nowhere. How does a law firm in California get to know that you have met with an accident and that you will need legal assistance? How does a personal…
Hiring Car Accident Attorneys Factors To Consider Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm
July 19, 2014

Hiring Car Accident Attorneys Factors To Consider

Car, truck, motorcycle or any other automobile accident is a highly traumatizing experience. No one is adequately prepared for facing such unfortunate happenings but when you do have to face such eventualities, there is no way of running away from the reality. You will have to make quick and prudent efforts so that you can recover fast from the physical,…
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