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Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm

Read our valuable post on how should you file a personal injury claim for your injury.We are here to help you make a claim for your personal injury.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys says, The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Lobbies For Mandatory Anti-Lock Brakes Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 10, 2010

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys says, The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Lobbies For Mandatory Anti-Lock Brakes

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, motorcycle fatalities could be reduced by as much as thirty three percent or more if the Federal Government required that motorcycles be equipped with anti-lock brakes. Adrian Lund, who is President of the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety said, “new research shows that anti-lock brake technology can make motorcycle riding a much…
Airplane Accident Attorney Reviews Aviation Accidents and the Law Aviation Accident Lawyer
May 10, 2010

Airplane Accident Attorney Reviews Aviation Accidents and the Law

Any event that involves an aircraft which results in harm to someone or causes their death, or that causes property damage is called an aviation accident. Aircraft accidents can occur while the aircraft is in descent, in flight, or on the ground. Negligence is usually the cause of most airplane accidents. Negligence The plaintiff must demonstrate to the court or…
Airplane Accident Attorney Talks about the Non-Economic Damages in an Airplane Accident Case Aviation Accident Lawyer
May 9, 2010

Airplane Accident Attorney Talks about the Non-Economic Damages in an Airplane Accident Case

When most people think “airplane accident” or “plane crash” they immediately assume that everyone onboard perished in the crash. The truth is that airplane accidents frequently have survivors and being one of those survivors can be a mixed blessing. Being involved in any type of accident can be a life changing experience. For survivors of an airplane accident, it can…
Part I: The Many Details of a Personal Injury Action Attorney-LawyerGeneral Legal Advice
May 9, 2010

Part I: The Many Details of a Personal Injury Action

If you are considering a personal injury lawsuit, you have come to the right place. Ledger Law is standing by to help you review the facts of your case and get you on the right track toward the recovery you deserve. If you have never filed a personal injury action against a defendant, you probably have questions and concerns about…
Airplane Accident Attorney Explains Wrongful Death Claims Aviation Accident LawyerBlog | Wrongful Death Lawyer
May 9, 2010

Airplane Accident Attorney Explains Wrongful Death Claims

If you have lost a family member or loved one as a result of an airplane accident then you may be going through a range of emotions and feelings. Anger, denial, fear, and confusion are all common emotions after the loss of someone close to you. Along with all those emotions, you may also have a number of questions –…
Motorcycle Accident Attorney Talks About Life After a Motorcycle Accident Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 8, 2010

Motorcycle Accident Attorney Talks About Life After a Motorcycle Accident

A motorcycle accident can be devastating to the those that were involved in a motorcycle accident, and survived it, or to the family members that are living with the person that survived a motorcycle collision. This is especially true in cases where serious injuries were a result and the quality of life of both the accident survivor and his or…
Airplane Accident Lawyer Discusses Negligence in Airplane Accidents Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 8, 2010

Airplane Accident Lawyer Discusses Negligence in Airplane Accidents

Air travel has become much safer in the century since that first historic flight back in 1903. Despite all the advancements in safety and technology, airplane accidents do still happen. Luckily, they are not always catastrophic and fatal accidents. It is rare to hear of an airplane accident wherein all the passengers perish. More common are the accidents on the…
Most Common Motorcycle Injuries Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 8, 2010

Most Common Motorcycle Injuries

If you are a motorcycle rider then you probably know the inherent danger each time you take your bike out to the open roads, simply because motorcycle injuries are often more pronounced then injuries from automobile accidents, where airbags, electronic stability control and other safety features offer protection in the case of a collision. However, what are the most common…
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