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Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm

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California Motorcycle Attorney Breaks Down USC Hurt Report Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 7, 2010

California Motorcycle Attorney Breaks Down USC Hurt Report

The Hurt Report is a report that was conducted and issued by the University of Southern California and is officially titled Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures. The report is several hundred pages long, and more than nine hundred motorcycle accidents were examined in this study, all in the Greater Los Angeles area, under the direction of Harry…
Airline Accident Attorney Discusses What to Do in the Event of an Airline Accident Aviation Accident Lawyer
May 7, 2010

Airline Accident Attorney Discusses What to Do in the Event of an Airline Accident

Commercial airline accidents are statistically a rare event. Considering the number of flight hours and the number of flights in the skies each day, the chances of being involved in a commercial airline accident are slim. Having said that, they do happen and when a commercial airline accident happens it usually has catastrophic consequences. Just recently, a Southwest airlines flight…
Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Manufacturer Defects on Motorcycles Personal Injury
May 6, 2010

Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses Manufacturer Defects on Motorcycles

When you purchase a motorcycle, whether it be a used or a new one, the manufacturer has a responsibility to you to make sure that the bike that you are riding is safe and free from defects that may compromise your safety. It is important that you are aware of your rights as a motorcyclist and as a motorcycle owner…
Motorcycle Attorney for California on the Cost of Motorcycle Injuries Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 6, 2010

Motorcycle Attorney for California on the Cost of Motorcycle Injuries

If you are injured as a result of a motorcycle accident, then you should be prepared to pay a lot of money for your recovery. Unless you have exceptional insurance, then you will likely have to pay a large deductible, cover medication costs and possibly pay for rehabilitation sessions for a long period of time. If you have no insurance…
California Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses Your Legal Options If You Have Lost a Loved One in a Plane Crash Aviation Accident Lawyer
May 5, 2010

California Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses Your Legal Options If You Have Lost a Loved One in a Plane Crash

While flying in a jet on a commercial airline is generally safer than many other forms of transportation, accidents do still happen. Furthermore, statistically speaking, flying in a smaller commuter plane or a private or “for hire” plane can be just as risky as many other forms of transportation. Each year, according to statistics collected by the Aircraft Crashes Record…
Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses Causes of Airplane Accidents Aviation Accident Lawyer
May 5, 2010

Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses Causes of Airplane Accidents

Regardless of what statistic you choose to follow with regard to your chance of being involved in a plane crash, the bottom line is that planes do crash on a regularly basis. Whether they are small commuter planes, even smaller personal aircraft or large commercial jets, airplane crashes do continue to happen despite recent advancements in safety. So have these…
California Toyota Recall Attorney Answers Questions about the Value of Your Toyota Personal Injury Lawsuit Toyota Recall Attorney
May 5, 2010

California Toyota Recall Attorney Answers Questions about the Value of Your Toyota Personal Injury Lawsuit

The Toyota Motor Corporation has been in the spotlight now for almost a year due to numerous recalls, investigations and complaints about Toyota manufactured vehicles. Toyota announced its first major recall late last year after numerous complaints were filed with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) complaining of sudden acceleration problems in Toyota manufactured vehicles. Sadly, it was not…
California Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses the Safety of Different Types of Airplanes Aviation Accident Lawyer
May 5, 2010

California Aviation Accident Attorney Discusses the Safety of Different Types of Airplanes

In the last century, since the Wright Brothers took that first flight back in 1903, the advancements in aviation have been nothing short of incredible. Today, on any given day there are over 87,000 flights scheduled in the skies over the United States. Many experts claim that flying is far safer than any other form of transportation. That may, however…
Who is to Financially Responsible For Unintentional Accidents? Auto Accident Lawyer
May 5, 2010

Who is to Financially Responsible For Unintentional Accidents?

When you are involved in a vehicle collision, you may not know who is at fault. Sometimes the police or insurance company will rule who is at fault based upon witness statements and the accident scene, but there is no such thing as an error-free investigation, so if you want to protect yourself, you should conduct your own investigation and…
Everything You Need To Know About Motorcycle Insurance Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
May 4, 2010

Everything You Need To Know About Motorcycle Insurance

As motorcycle riding is more dangerous than operating other types of motorized vehicles, you should take a careful look at the insurance policies covering your bike to make sure that you are protected in the case of an accident. Many people spend a great deal of time and money modding their bikes and installing add-ons that may not be covered…
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