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Personal Injury Lawyer | The Ledger Law Firm

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Don’t Lie On Your Application For Insurance Auto Accident LawyerGeneral Legal Advice
February 4, 2010

Don’t Lie On Your Application For Insurance

If you lie on an application for auto, life, health or disability insurance, you may find yourself without much-needed coverage. Unfortunately, some people, in an effort to reduce their premiums, grossly misrepresent the facts. In January, the Supreme Court of Virginia upheld the denial of benefits to be paid to a seriously injured automobile accident victim, because the owner of…
Railroads To Install Video Recorders In Train Cabs Train Accident Lawyer
February 4, 2010

Railroads To Install Video Recorders In Train Cabs

Just a few days ago, Federal investigators stated that railway companies may be required to install video recorders in train cabs to prevent the operators from being distracted while driving the trains. This is an important new requirement, since railroad workers now are not similarly monitored by remote control camera. The reasons for this new level of control are because…
Do You Know About T-Bone Accidents and Side Mounted Air Bags? Auto Accident Lawyer
February 4, 2010

Do You Know About T-Bone Accidents and Side Mounted Air Bags?

T-bone accidents are frequent occurrences at busy intersections. Some cars have side impact or side curtain airbags, which are meant to offer protection to the people in the cars that are hit by others in this type of accident. If a person is driving through an intersection, and another car runs a red light, the result can be a t-bone…
Abogado De Accidente Los abogados de accidentes
February 4, 2010

Abogado De Accidente

Si usted ha sido lesionado en un accidente de auto de Los Angeles, usted está probablemente en el proceso de presentación de una reclamación. Al hacerlo, una de las cosas más importantes que tiene que hacer como demandante es hacer una lista completa, exhaustiva e integral de todas sus lesiones, daños y perjuicios. A continuación se presentan algunas cosas importantes…
Preventive Measures Against Motorcycle Accidents Attorney-LawyerMotorcycle Accident Lawyer
February 3, 2010

Preventive Measures Against Motorcycle Accidents

With traffic reaching an all-time high and people finding the need to save up due to high gasoline prices, motorcycles peaked in sales because they seem to offer a way to resolve these dilemmas. But the positive value that motorcycles bring in does have its setbacks. Apparently, riding in motorcycles are also considered to be very dangerous and one of…
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