On average there are over six million automobile accidents on American roads and highways each year. Most Americans will be involved in at least one of these accidents over the course of their lifetime. The majority of the time these accidents are usually just the run on the mill fender bender and nothing more than a nuisance. However, an increasing number of these accidents involve a collision with an eighteen wheeler or tractor trailer.
Surprisingly, automobile accidents involving eighteen wheelers, large trucks, and other commercial vehicles are on the rise. The consequences of being in involved in an accident with a large truck are often more serious than a collision involving two cars. These large trucks account for just four percent of all the vehicles on our roads, but account for twelve percent of fatalities resulting from automobile accidents with the vast majority of these injuries and fatalities involving the occupants of vehicle colliding with the truck.

18 Wheeler Accidents
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident with an eighteen wheeler or tractor trailer you need to seek out the legal advice a qualified personal injury attorney who is experienced with working with these types of accidents. These collisions and the resulting claims are considerably more complicated than a typical motor vehicle accident. Your accident could be the result of driver error due to a lack of proper training, driver fatigue, unsafe operation, or an overweight vehicle. Truck mechanics, manufacturers, and parts makers could all be held responsible if the accident is found to be a result of their negligence. In addition to the truck driver, the trucking company the driver works for is required to properly supervise the actions of drivers and can be held liable. The aftermath of an accident involving a large truck can be very frustrating and confusing, the advice of a qualified personal injury attorney can help you navigate the legalities of your truck accident. You could be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses due to the accident, payments for damage done to your vehicle and/or personal property, lost wages from missed work, and the pain and suffering that is a result of the accident. Your attorney will ensure that your interests are protected and you receive the compensation you and your family deserve.
The attorneys at Ledger Law have extensive experience representing the victims of automobile accidents involving eighteen wheelers and other large trucks to ensure they get the compensation they are entitled to. Rest assured the truck driver and his employer will have an attorney working for them, you can not afford to not have a qualified personal injury attorney working for you. Call 800-300-0001 now and let one of our attorneys handle the difficulties of resolving the outcome of your accident so you can concentrate on the physical and emotional recovery of you and your loved ones.