California teen drivers are four times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a car accident than any other demographic in the state. This statistic is also very much reflective of the high percentage of teenage car accident deaths in the United States every day, every month, and every year. However, many of these deaths could be avoided simply by practicing safe driving habits and abiding by the driving laws for the state of California.
Teenagers in California are able to apply for a Driver’s Permit at the age of 15 years and 6 months. Then, after 6 months, teenagers are able to apply and test for a Driver’s License starting at the age of 16. During this 6 month permit-holding period, teenage drivers must abide by a set of guidelines meant to provide a safe and successful period of driving before acquiring a license. For example, permit-holding drivers must be accompanied by a licensed adult any time they go behind the wheel. Furthermore, permitted teens must complete a set number of supervised driving before they test to receive a license. Along with adult supervision during a 6 month period, teen drivers are not allowed to drive any passengers and are expected to uphold the set curfew for all minors (under the age of 18). It has been repeatedly proven that night-time driving increases a driver’s risk for accidents by at least 2 times. Therefore, teen drivers are much more at risk of an accident when disregarding the state curfew.
Unfortunately, with no check-and-balance system that can effectively be carried out with every single permitted-teen driver, often times, teenage drivers will overlook these rules, sometimes out of necessity, and sometimes out of carelessness. As a result of this negligent behavior, the chances of a fairly inexperienced teenage driver ending up in a serious car accident exponentially increases every time they get on the road with a passenger and/or without adult supervision in the car. More so, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that teenage drivers are actually much more likely to be involved in a car accident when another teen passenger is in the car as well. In essence, the more teenagers in the car, the higher chance that there could be an accident. Car accident attorney Emery Ledger knows the pressures and distractions that teenagers face when in the car. Unfortunately, this negligent behavior is responsible for increased risk and reckless behavior observed in many teenage driving that has led to automobile and car accidents.
Make sure your teen follows the laws. Just simply by abiding by the given California laws, the accident rate of teen drivers could dramatically decrease in California and, in the aggregate, across the nation.
If your teenager or your loved one has been involved in a car accident please contact the Law Offices of Ledger & Associates. Our firm understands the emotional pain and heartache involved in a car accident, and can help you take care of the legalities involving the case while you focus on you and your family’s quick recovery. For a free and detailed consultation, please call (800) 300-0001 or visit the firm’s website at