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What to Expect from Your Car Accident Attorney

By August 2, 2010January 14th, 2018Auto Accident Lawyer

If you have had the misfortune to be involved in a car accident recently, then you are likely in the process of retaining a car accident attorney to represent you in your case. Many people that have never been through the legal process involved in a car accident are somewhat lost when it comes to understanding what a car accident attorney does for you and what to expect from one. According to California car accident attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates, the following is a list of things that you should expect from any car accident attorney. While every situation is different, and your case may call for more from your car accident attorney, you should certainly not settle for less.

1. Free consultation. Before you even hire your car accident attorney, they should offer you a free consultation. The length of the consultation may vary from attorney to attorney, but it should belong enough to get the basic facts in your case and provide you with general answers to your most important questions.
2. Courteous and knowledgeable staff. As a rule, you will need to interact with your attorney’s staff on a regular basis throughout the pendency of your car accident case. While your attorney should certainly consult with you on all important matters and be available for frequent updates, you will also want to look for an attorney that has a friendly, courteous and capable staff for all the other interactions you will have with his office.
3. Experience. There simply is no substitute for experience in a car accident attorney. When you go for your initial consultation find out how long the attorney has been practicing law, what areas of the law is the focus, how many car accident cases he has handled and ask about his trial experience.
4. Answers and information. Your car accident attorney should be willing and able to answer all of your questions. He should also be forthcoming with information in a timely manner. You should not have to make repeated calls to his office to get a question answered or have to wait weeks to find out when something important has happened in your case. Remember – your California car accident attorney works for YOU, not the other way around.
5. Results. A car accident case can be settled quickly or drag on for months depending on the issues involved and the extent of the injuries to the victim. At the end of the day, however, your car accident attorney should show you acceptable results. The reason you retain an attorney is to make sure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to so it is only fair to expect results in the form of a reasonable compensation settlement.

Whether your California car accident case involves a simple fender bender or a catastrophic collision, you should expect at least the above five things from your car accident attorney. If you would like a free detailed evaluation of your car accident case from an experienced California car accident attorney, please contact The Ledger Law Firm.

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