With the weather breaking in most of the country, motorcycle enthusiasts are getting their bikes ready to get back out on the road. There is truly nothing like the feel of the wind in your face as you cruise along a beautiful ocean highway or a mountain pass. For motorcycle riders, the dangers are often accepted as part and parcel of the love of riding. With over 5,000 motorcycle accident deaths each year, and thousands more injured though, it doesn’t hurt to follow some simple rules to try and keep you, and your passengers, safe. So what can you do to try and prevent a motorcycle accident or at least limit any injuries if the worst happens and you do have an accident? California motorcycle accident attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates says that the following five tips may make you and your passengers safer:
1. Make sure that you and you passenger have on proper riding gear. People who don’t ride bikes assume that all that leather is just a fashion statement but riders know better. Having leg chaps, arm chaps, gloves, boots and a leather jacket not only keep you warm, but they help protect you from road debris and protect you from road rash if you do have an accident. Leather is tough and can withstand more wear and tear than almost any other material which is why riding gear is made with it – although it does look good too!
2. Wear a helmet. Head injury is the leading cause of fatality in a motorcycle crash. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that your chance of dying in a motorcycle crash is reduced by 29% just by wearing a helmet. If the full face helmet is just too cumbersome, then at least buy a three-quarter or half-shell helmet. While these types don’t offer quite as much protection, some protection is better than none.
3. Wear bright, visible clothing. If you can’t bring yourself to wear reflective clothing (which of course is recommended), then at least wear something that can be seen from far away. A bright shirt, bandana or helmet will help drivers see you better as you are approaching.
4. Limit your night driving. More accidents of all types happen at night and motorcycles are no exception. In fact, motorcycle accidents are even more common at night. If cars have a hard time seeing motorcycles during the day, it stands to reason that it is even harder at night.
5. Remember to obey the rules of the road. For instance, sometimes it’s tempting to skirt congested traffic by riding alongside stopped traffic, but when a motorcycle is riding somewhere where a car doesn’t expect a vehicle to be, you are just increasing the chances of the car not seeing you and causing a collision.
By following these simple tips, you will make riding for you and your passengers safer and ultimately more enjoyable. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and need legal advice, contact California motorcycle accident attorney Emery Ledger of Ledger & Associates at 1-800-300-0001 or visit him online at www.ledgerlaw.com.