If you are a motorcycle rider then you probably know the inherent danger each time you take your bike out to the open roads, simply because motorcycle injuries are often more pronounced then injuries from automobile accidents, where airbags, electronic stability control and other safety features offer protection in the case of a collision. However, what are the most common motorcycle injuries and what can you do if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident where these injuries were a result? Knowing what can happen and what you can do when it does is an important part of riding.
The near most common injury that results from motorcycle accidents is lower leg fractures and injuries followed closely by forearm fractures. This should be obvious due to the fact that if you dump your bike, the first thing that will hit the ground is whatever leg is draped over on the side that you put the bike down on. As far as the arm injuries go, the most instinctive thing to do when you fall is to put your arm out to protect yourself and that is how the forearm injuries happen. The severity of these leg and arm fractures vary by case, depending upon speed and angle of impact.
The actual most common injury that results from motorcycle accidents is actually quite obvious. Skin abrasions, lacerations and contusions happen in about eighty five percent of motorcycle accidents, but these are usually secondary injuries and don’t count as the most common primary injury in most cases. The majority of time, these injuries were not severe. This information is based upon a U.K. Case Study of motorcycle crashes by the Federal Office of Road Safety, but results for the United States should be fairly similar.
Head injuries were not that common in this particular case study, making up only about four percent of the total of injured persons. However, wearing a helmet made a huge difference here because three of five of motorcyclists involved in a collision not wearing helmets had head injuries as a result of the accident. This is an important thing to keep in mind, because failure to wear a helmet or wearing a helmet improperly or that is malfunctioning can result in deadly consequences. No rider should ever get on their bike without a proper, well-fitted helmet.
Getting into an accident can do a lot of damage to a person, not only medically – with injuries and long term effects on health – but also on their quality of life, sometimes resulting in brain injuries, spinal damage or other problems and the person involved in a collision or accident may also suffer from mental health problems or poverty due to loss of a job or wages. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident then you should contact a qualified motorcycle collision attorney and find out if you are eligible for damages to recover what you lost in an accident.
If you have been injured on a bike contact motorcycle accident attorney Emery Brett Ledger at 800-300-0001.