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Welcome To Our "New" Law Firm Blog!

By November 20, 2009February 16th, 2018Law Firm Technology

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I am very excited to be placing the first post in our Law Firm’s new Blog. The Law Offices of Ledger & Associates was founded twelve years ago with the idea that we would be dedicated to stellar client service. The stories about Attorneys who don’t return phone calls never set well with me. How arrogant not to return someone’s call for weeks, especially when they are paying to do so. One of they ways we decided to maintain the best client service was through technology. Upon our founding we had the utmost cutting edge technology. Needless to say, our client calls were returned, their questions answered and excellent legal advice/work product provided all assisted by advanced technology. We developed law firm systems that, built on latest technology, automated so many processes that our attorneys were left to practice law and provide client service second to none.

Moving forward to the era of the Attorney Blog, I must confess, we were not on the cutting edge. I did not embrace the technology of Blog software with the normal curiosity and excitement I would have if I had been younger attorney. I felt that blogging was for teenagers and attorneys that liked to talk about themselves. I now realize I was wrong. Blogging is an incredible communication tool. It is amazing that I can sit at my desk in California and relay thoughtful legal opinion to fellow attorneys in New York. I hope to gain a following in the Blog world. Many who are to shy to call and ask for advice can now sit in the shadows and educate themselves from afar. Those who want to assert themselves can do so by posting their own comments. Wow…this really is Web 2.0!

This Blog is not about me. This Blog is not about my law firm. This Blog is about people, our clients. It will be written to them and for them. We will try to provide the most up to date and relevant legal opinion related to their cases. Keep in mind, much of the content we will link you to is not ours. Please give credit to those author’s … we do not want to take credit for something that we haven’t produced. We are the authority on Wrongful Death & Personal Injury Law on this blog…but not the authority on those sites from which we link or provide an excerpt.

Feel free to comment on any post. All comments will be published as long as they are in the best interest of our clients.

Keep in mind, this is a public forum. You are not protected by Confidentiality Canons on this Blog. If you would like to speak confidentially to me or my staff we are available for you at 800-300-0001 at any time.

Very Best,

Emery Brett Ledger

Attorney At Law

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